I could finally spend money on all the things I'd scrimped on, right? 我终于可以花钱购买所有以前因精打细算而没买的东西了,对吧?
My girlfriend and I don` t really spend much money on food at all. 我和女朋友很少在食物上花很多钱。
Therefore, people shouldn't pay too much attention to their money. On the contrary, what they should do is to put their money to good use and try to have an optimistic outlook all the time. 因此,人们不应该太看重钱,相反,他们应该做的是把他们的钱用在正确的途径上并保持一个乐观的态度。
Since webinars are held online, they allow companies to save money on travel, catering and venues, all of which are costs commonly associated with face-to-face seminars. 由于研讨会是在网上举行,这就让公司可以在交通,餐饮,场地上节省花费,而所有这些都是面对面会晤的常见支出。
The fact is, they have no competence on money, no competence on the economy, so, yes, the right honourable gentleman would be glad to hand it all over. 事实是,他们在货币政策上无所作为,在经济发展上同样一事无成,所以这位正直尊贵的绅士很愿意完全交出责任。
Worry about the money later, when you focus on the user, all else will follow. 钱的事情以后再担心,首先要聚焦用户,其他的东西自然水到渠成。
The question always came down to, are these fiduciary numbers that investment managers charged with keeping money for widows and orphans rely on, or are they just inside baseball for the industry to squabble over and not all that important? That question has never been answered. 问题最终归结为,这些预测数据到底是那些为孤儿寡母理财的投资经理们进行投资决策的依据,还是只是行业内部自说自话的产物,根本无足轻重?这个问题一直没有答案。
So long as he doesn't own you money, you've got no right to be jumping on him all the time. 只要他不欠你钱,你就没权利整天叱骂他。
As a result, companies spend huge amounts of money on complex advertising campaigns& all aimed at appealing to the world of the imagination. 因此,厂商会花大笔的钱进行综合的宣传活动&而这一切都是为了要吸引想象力丰富的人们。
Make your retirement a priority now, and you'll have more money to spend on all the things you want in life later. 现在要把退休放在优先的位置上,你将会在今后的人生中获得更多的钱用在所有你想获得的东西上。
When he bought his land, he hadn't the money to buy on High Prairie; so he told his boys, when they grumbled, that if their land hadn't some clay in it, they wouldn't own it at all. 当他买了土地,他没有钱购买高草原,所以他告诉他的孩子,当他们抱怨说,如果他们的土地并不在它粘土,他们也不会拥有的一切。
When I think about all the things that I'm happy I've spent money on, I'm definitely not listing all the pairs of shoes in my closet. 当我考虑全部那些很高兴花钱的事物,我肯定没有列出我衣柜里所有的鞋子。
He put all his money on the race, but he lost all of it. 他将他所有的钱来赌这场比赛,但他全部输掉了。
She spent all her money on all the books on the bookshelf, the total number of which was120.She planned to spend a whole year reading them. 她花了全部的钱买了书架上全部的书,书的总数是120册,她计划用整整一年的时间来阅读。
Wherever does he get the money from to go on all these exotic journeys? 他究竟从哪里搞到的钱作这些异国之行?
In fact, during the internet bust and after September 11 2001, he made quite a bit of money on a terrorist defence play – until it all came to an end. 事实上,在互联网泡沫破裂期间和2001年9•11事件之后,他在一家防恐设备公司上大赚了一笔&直到一切结束。
People ultimately spend money on "all the wrong things," the study claims. 人们最终为“一切错误的事情”埋单,报告称。
You will be able to spend the money you save in this way on other key competitive elements, including raises and bonuses for all employees – even yourself. 而你可以将你节约的成本用在其他有竞争优势的关键方面,如为你的员工或自己加薪,分红等。
If money management is out of your control – keep a close eye on all dealings. 如果金钱管理已经超出了你的控制,那么你要留心注意所有的交易。
It breaks my heart to think of all the money we spent on our son's education and all he wants to do it work in a dreary factory. 想到我们把所有的钱都花到儿子的教育上,而他去想去一家沉闷的工厂工作,我感到很伤心。
Investors have lost money on all sides: not selling soon enough, not buying soon enough, or some combination of the two. 投资者亏损原因有很多:没有及时卖出,没有及时买进,或者是两者兼而有之。
You can buy in bulk and not only save yourself some money, but also ensure that you have plenty of healthy protein options on hand at all times. 你可以购买散装,不仅自己节省一些钱,而且要确保你在任何时候手头上健康的蛋白质大量选择。
I put my money on three horses, and they all lost. 我在3匹马上下了赌注,但它们都输了。
Users must know what kind of a product they are spending their money on and all of the features associated with it. 用户需要知道自己把钱花在什么样的商品上,而这个商品到底包含哪些重要的标准。